At Havin’ a Laugh we believe that exercising, getting outdoors and taking part in community-based activities are all essential to our mental health, and one of our main objectives is to make life-enhancing activities easily accessible to people who are in therapy for mental health reasons.
Currently, Havin’ a Laugh operates in Sligo and surrounding counties of Leitrim, Donegal, Mayo and Cavan.
Once signed up to the Havin’ a Laugh life-enhancing activity token & voucher service, each beneficiary gains 175 Activity Tokens, 1 Token = €1. These activity tokens can be redeemed against vouchers for different activities in the Northwest of Ireland such as surfing lessons, kayaking tours and art workshops.
For more information about our LET OFF STEAM, DIP YOUR TOE and LET IT ALL GO activities please visit our Get Active page.
If you are looking to start therapy you can view a list of support services that work with our token & voucher service.
If you need to talk to someone now please go to Where can I find Urgent Help?
STEP 1. Support service registers with Havin’ a Laugh
Support services based in counties Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal, Mayo and Cavan can fill out our support services registration form.
Once the support service is registered with us, they can claim Havin’ a Laugh activity tokens & vouchers for people who are going to them for therapy.
If you are in therapy you can ask your support service if they are registered with us and if not they can sign up here.
STEP 2. Support service requests activity tokens & first voucher for a person in therapy
The support service advises the person in therapy about the Havin’ a Laugh activity token & voucher service.
Together with the support service, the person in therapy will discuss the type of life-enhancing activities that would be most beneficial to them in their mental health recovery.
The support service fills out a Havin’ a Laugh beneficiary form, with the person in therapy requesting their first life-enhancing activity voucher, and sends it to Havin’ a Laugh. (A client number can be used on the beneficiary form instead of a name so that the person in therapy remains anonymous.)
You can find out more about our life-enhancing activities here. If there is an activity that is not listed on our website then please let us know and we will hook you up!
STEP 3. Havin’ a Laugh sends a welcome pack for the person in therapy to the support service
Once the person in therapy is registered with Havin’ a Laugh we allocate 175 activity tokens to them and purchase the first voucher for their requested activity. We then post a welcome pack including the voucher, a flyer and a welcome card explaining their token allowance to their support service.
When the welcome pack has been received by the support service they give it to the person in therapy.
Our voucher purchasing process ensures that the person in therapy can remain anonymous to both Havin’ a Laugh and the activity provider.
STEP 4. The person in therapy uses the first voucher for a life-enhancing activity
The person in therapy uses their first voucher for the activity that they have chosen.
In the north-west of Ireland, there are loads of awesome life-enhancing activities to choose from. LET OFF STEAM by surfing wild Atlantic waves, DIP YOU TOE with a yoga hike to Benbulben or LET IT ALL GO and set your creativity free with a jewellery making workshop.
Our feedback consistently shows that people feel more energised, clear-headed and relaxed after taking part in one of the activities we promote.
For more information on our activities please visit our Get Active page.
STEP 5. Additional vouchers can be requested from the support service or through Havin’ a Laugh directly
After the first life-enhancing activity voucher is used the person in therapy may wish to continue with this activity or try something different.
The first activity that the person tries might not be the best fit for them, and we encourage them to have a go at another life-enhancing activity in this case.
Additional activity vouchers can be requested from the support service or if the person in therapy prefers they can contact Havin’ a Laugh directly by email.
Year 1: A person in therapy can claim vouchers up to the value of €175
Year 2: Client can claim 50% off life-enhancing activities up to the value of €100